Hustle & Flow With Heather Hubbard

#155: Imitation vs. Innovation



If you want to rise to the top and be successful, it’s crucial that you choose to be innovative instead of emulative and imitative. We are all unique and our special qualities and characteristics will help us stand out among our peers rather than allowing us to blend in. There are so many people who are choosing to imitate others’ work and ideas when, in reality, the best way to stand out and rise up is to be unique and innovative. Things we’re covering in this episode: - Various ways in which most people emulate and imitate instead of innovate - Learn why more people choose to imitate and emulate - Find out how you can take steps to be innovative - Discover how being inspired by someone or their ideas or strategies can be different than imitating them - When your style or voice sounds similar to another professional in your field, learn the best way to handle that situation Want to work with me? If you missed applying for The 2020 Experience, my annual mastermind for ambitious, high-achieving women, it’s not