Podcast A Vet: Stories, Support & Community From Leaders In The Veterinary Field

091: How To Fix Your Burnout & Other Out Of The Box Ideas w/ Lisa Mausbach



In a lot of ways, the way we practice veterinary medicine today is not setting ourselves up for success. Many of us are burnt out, tired, and considering leaving the profession far earlier than our counterparts in generations past. Lisa Mausbach knows this feeling first hand, and after her feelings toward veterinary medicine shifted from excitement to dread, Lisa knew she needed to make a change. After going to business school and studying the organizational development of the business side of veterinary medicine, Lisa has been rejuvenated and rediscovered her passion for helping other veterinary professionals fill up their own bucket and make more money. By addressing the systemic organizational issues that are keeping us in the dark, Lisa hopes to help entire systems work smarter, not harder. If you are starting to retreat from what you used to love about veterinary medicine, burnout and stress could be playing a major role. Instead of just dealing with it, you can use your voice to create an environment th