Podcast A Vet: Stories, Support & Community From Leaders In The Veterinary Field

060: How Diversity In The Veterinary World Benefits Everyone w/ Allen Cannedy



Often the topic of diversity and inclusion is overlooked in veterinary medicine, and Allen Cannedy is dedicated to changing that. The Director of Diversity and Multicultural Affairs at North Carolina State University College of Vet Med, Allen is a mentor and recruiter of students from all groups that are underrepresented in the veterinary world. Today we are diving into racism, socioeconomic status, and how we can do a better job of making the veterinary world, and the world in general, a more inclusive place. We are touching on sensitive topics that deal with years of oppression and looking to the future and ways we can increase inclusion to better serve all humans and animals. Allen is passionate about bringing the necessity of diversity and the benefits of welcoming someone different than you in. We are reliving my childhood innocence about race, and looking at the modern landscape of how our society operates today and how we can improve going forward. By recognizing and appreciating that a diverse group i