Podcast A Vet: Stories, Support & Community From Leaders In The Veterinary Field

055: Why Communication Is The Most Important Tool In A Clinic w/ Rebecca Ruch-Gallie



Along with being one of my CSU mentors, Rebecca Ruch-Gallie (R-G) has an incredible resume including acting service chief of community practice at CSU since the year 2000, the elected state delegate for the CVMA to the AVMA, the vet of the year in the state of Colorado, plus much more. Today Rebecca is here to share her ever humble knowledge on why sharing information and relying on your peers is one of the best ways to help push the profession forward. R-G works on a state and national level to mold our profession, help underserved populations and inspire the next generations of veterinarians. She believes in focusing on being in the moment with your client, using communication as the most important tool in the clinic, and supporting students to learn how to be better doctors on their own terms. R-G encourages us to take a good look at what you like about where you are at in veterinary medicine, what you don’t like, and how you can empower yourself, to find the right community for you. If you have ever been