Podcast A Vet: Stories, Support & Community From Leaders In The Veterinary Field

023: How To Find Career Inspiration In Unlikely Places w/ Brent Fink



Do you ever feel like you’re figuring things out in a very different way from everyone else? As we always say here at Podcast A Vet, everyone has their own trajectory and their own path. Today’s guest talks to us about how his travels in South America gave him the final nudge to commit to becoming a vet. Brent Fink is a veterinary nurse and applying to vet school. But before that, he worked in the restaurant industry for years, and spent a year and a half volunteering on farms in South America. Today he talks to us about the influence his parents, both working in human medicine, had on his path towards becoming a vet, as well as how lessons he learned in the restaurant industry have informed his approach to working in vet medicine. He also talks about the vet school application process. What unique experiences informed your decision to become a vet? How did you keep your mindset healthy while applying to vet school?   In this episode: How volunteering on farms in South America offered Brent clarity on wantin