Fizzle Like A Flood

Volume XXII: Mournful Tom Selleck Eyes



Doug's sorry it's been so long, but this is his busy time of year! Trilety and his Friendiversary plus Halloween PLUS Megan and his birthday PLUS Thanksgiving... And only the Friendiversary and Halloween stuff has been gone through, ugh! But please do enjoy those recordings plus some other goodies and a couple nice songs to boot! Contents: - Greaseproof paper, what an invention! - The 2016 Election makes Doug's cold worse - 'Ugly Man' by X-Ray Mary, who Doug and Megan saw rock Crossbones last weekend. Check out their bandcamp: ROCK!! -  Doug and Trilety's Friendiversary 2016 Part 1 (pumpkin shopping, dinner and a pigface man sighting) - A new edition of 'Simon'! Don't say it... - Friendiversary Part 2: Doug giving Trilety her present, a picture of Tom Selleck he drew in 6th or 7th grade art class. Framed by JJ at - Some randomness from Doug and friends' excursion to Scary Acres. - Pumpkin carving and exploring Doug's spooky attic ro