Fizzle Like A Flood

Volume XX: The Din of Death



Happy Halloween to all of you!! Here's my first Super Spectacular Spooky Halloween episode.  Contents: - As a kid, I played my Haunted Mansion record over and over and over in our house at 127 Charles Park Drive. I think I even tried to loop the instrumental bit somehow. - I competed on the Horror Exam and somehow WON! Subscribe to The Basement On a Hill... - Benson Zombie Walk 2016 Part 1 - A live performance by Relax, It's Science from the Barley Street Tavern. - Trilety got herself hooked to a chair at Mangia Italiana. :)  - The Haunted Bars at the Mastercraft building pounded by Doug and Zip - We thought Doug's Vess soda hookup was kaput! But we were dumb. - The Din of Death! - Benson Zombie Walk 2016 Part 2 - 'Halloween Reprise' - a tune I did back in the day - Oh, Alex Jones! - Benson Zombie Walk 2016 Part 3 - Hobowreck Demotime: 'Pig' by Rivers Cuomo. This tune sometimes makes Doug cry.