Fizzle Like A Flood

Volume XIX: GIT! GIT!



It's freaking OCTOBER!! And here's some cool stuff.  Contents: - Jason farted on my phone. - Doug and Megan looking for ANY sign of support for either candidate - 'Hey Sandy' by Polaris - the theme from The Adventures of Pete & Pete - Karen really enjoying a Two Birds Bakery cinnamon roll - Reflections on one of my haunted houses, Terror in the Night (1985 I think) - WHY?? Anthony later told me that the line out Krispie Kreme's door had something to do with a 'pirate night' or some shit. Free doughnuts for eye patches, I guess! - The story of my little song called 'Your Own Factory' from 1997.  - Craig gave me lessons on wrangling my kitty! - This is Doug biking down a street singing along to Paul Westerberg. - At the rodeo was Whiplash the rodeo monkey! - The first HOBOWRECK DEMOTIME. 'Jessie's Girl' by Rick Springfield. Love the kinda Cheap Trick middle part that only lives in this version!