Fizzle Like A Flood

Volume XVII: Saucesome



Karaoke happened again! And we've got the best song of the night right here, folks. Also, Doug gets Greenbergian in a new segment called 'Why??', complains about the Olympics and let's his frustration out on his drum set and some defenseless soda cans. Please enjoy responsibly. Contents: - Farewell, Gene Wilder. Thank you. - Doug's favorite pizza: - Some drumming questions in a new segment called 'Why??' - Fun with the paper towel tube and the Pizza Shoppe - Trilety destroying the karaoke competition - Some thoughts on the Olympics - Drums are more fun than yard work. - A little game at Sioux Falls. Can you tell which is Megan? - Jan zings Bill good! - HULK SMASH CANS - Doug's most heard musical accomplishment and the Worked Up So Sexual remix it came from. This was called the 'Pole mix' cuz I said it was supposed to be the ultra sexy version. Whatever. - Trilety tells a funny story about the Care Bears. And cock. -The Painfully Cheesy Love Song of the Week: 'Boom Boom' by Paul Lekaki