Fizzle Like A Flood

Volume XVI: Mary Had a Hot Wet Lamb



It's August, one of Doug's least favorite months. But there's still good stuff happening. Hot, sweaty fairs and hang outs at the cabin by the lake. Enjoy this grab bag of summer goodies! Contents: - Megan shreds her red clarinet! - The first attempt at a special video for Doug's nephew Elliott's 1st birthday - A bit of 'Afraid of Everything,' one of Doug's favorites from the new Monster of Phantom Lake musical based off the Chris Mihm film by the same name. - A few bits from Doug and Megan's tour of the airport - 'Good Morning, Cabin' - North lake in the morning - The Sarpy County fair with T-Bird (featuring creative ideas by Megan) - Sad Elliott swim lesson story story by Trilety - Suzie missed her roomie while she was in California. - Some chatting about Brian Wilson with the one and only Matt Geiler over some polish dogs - WATCH 'STRANGER THINGS'! Almost 5 stars. - The Painfully Cheesy Song of the Week: Some song from 'RAD' - 1986