Fizzle Like A Flood

Volume II: Stunt Work



Based off a Karaoke night at the Winchester in November 2015. The first night I drank after a month of no sugar.  Contents: - 'Petunia Doug' - Todd's song for me - New gutters! - Trilety and I sing along with the best ever little Christmas show at the Chanticleer Theater in Council Bluffs - Whipkey's reminiscences - Mock up of a Fizzle album opener that would have been this + 'Sickly Sweet' (written by Travis) done Fizzle style. Opening tune called 'I Wanna Be Where You Go.' For someone, somewhere.  - Cinder, my bipolar kitty - 'The Family Man' gets me good - The 'stunt work' guy was just some random dude at the bar, I think. - My tape recorder cover of The Mountain Goats song 'Jenny' 2005 - Ben opens up Special guests: Todd! Steph! Travis! Cousin Jon! Whipkey!