Moms With Dreams Show

128: How I Got Out of My Own Way & Found My Sweet Spot



This has to be one of the most personal episodes that I’ve shared to date on my podcast. To be quite honest, I got a little nervous when my editor told me that it was ready to go because that meant it was getting closer to me sharing one of my most recent struggles with the entire world. I’m not even sure why I started to feel this way – especially because I know other people have gone through this before. Even though I know I’m not the only person who’s ever gone through this, I was having a little fear of being judged. It’s scary to be vulnerable and put your truth out there for the world to know. But at the end of the day, this isn’t about me. And if I can help at least one person by sharing my struggles and my truth, then I’m doing exactly what I’ve been called to do. That said, this week’s episode is about me sharing a personal dilemma that I had, which caused me to doubt myself and consider quitting. Yup, that’s right! I had gotten myself all worked up to the point where I was ready to throw in the towe