Moms With Dreams Show

MWD 123: 5 Lessons Moms Can Learn from Podcasting



In this episode, I celebrate my 3-year podcast anniversary with you. This has been an awesome journey, and I could not have done it without you. Thank you so much for all of your love and support. At first, this was going to be a celebratory episode for moms as a continuation of Mother’s Day. Personally, I think moms should be celebrated every single day, but I’m not the one in charge. As moms, we go to great measures to take care of our families, support and love our significant others, and make sure that everyone has what they need. Being a mom is hard work, and it never ends, so yes – we should be honored and celebrated every day of the year. But this episode is not about that. Instead, I decided to share with you 5 important lessons that I’ve learned during my 3 years as a podcaster. These aren’t random life lessons. They are actually lessons that I didn’t expect to learn from podcasting, and they ultimately helped me become a better mom. I invite you to listen with an open mind and see which of these les