Meeplecore Podcast

MeepleCore Podcast Episode 83 - Cartographers, Managing a game collection, Top 5 games with gimmicks, and more!



Host Tim Jennette (Metal Meeple), co-hosts Matt RoBear and Eric Ledford, and returning guest George Breden begin the show with first impressions for the board games: Cartographers: A Roll Player Tale (Thunderworks Games), Horrified (Ravensburger), and Drop it! (KOSMOS) Managing a board game collection is a big deal. The gang talks tips and tricks, discuss culling games, how to store them, buying and selling, etc. Then, they go over their Top 5 board games that have gimmicks... ...and much more! Other games and topics briefly discussed in this episode: Everdell expansions, Terra Mystica Expansion, Saved by the Bell reboot, Root tabletop RPG