Meeplecore Podcast

MeepleCore Podcast Episode 61 - Gaia, Tower of Madness, TIME Stories, live playthrough of Before there were Stars, and more!



Host Tim Jennette (Metal Meeple), and co-hosts Matt RoBear and Eric Ledford begin the show with a few first impressions for the board games: Gaia (TIKI Editions Inc.), Tower of Madness (Smirk and Dagger), T.I.M.E Stories (Space Cowboys / Asmodee) After that its a live playthrough of Before There Were Stars... by Smirk and Laughter games! Prepare for some crazy stories from the MeepleCore podcast as they play their way through this story telling game for the first time... ...and much more! Other games and topics briefly discussed in this episode: Castlevania Netflix, Paw Patrol, Tabletop Simulator, Monster Hunter World, Dragalia Lost, Playstation Classic, Wildstar goes offline, TellTale Games closing shop, Horizon Zero Dawn Kickstarter, iPhone XS and XS Max