Courageous Fit Female With Jaclyn Castro

103: Why HUSTLING to Achieve More Results is Dead! Rest Is Actually the New Hustle!



How much are you doing? Is there a part of you that knows you need to ease up with everything you’re doing? Are you that person who answers I’m so busy, I’m exhausted or I wish I had more time when asked how are you doing? Then this is an episode for you! Although there are tons of empowering quotes about hustling, grinding, and giving it your all the reality is it usually leads to burnout and sadly breaks relationships. In this episode, I speak about why hustling to achieve more results whether in the gym or anywhere else in your life is dead. Take heart because rest is the new hustle. Tune in for more on this topic of rest and hustle. Stay Courageous & Fit for His Kingdom, Jaclyn ************* Who are we kidding? As followers of Jesus, it’s easy to get comfortable and do what everyone else is doing! Even though we know that this world is not our home it’s easy to conform to its customs and patterns. And unless we spend time in the quiet with the Lord and examine our true reasons for getting healthy and