Pastor Jason Anderson - Audio

Become (Part 1)



For the next three weeks I'm going to talk to you about who we are becoming. We are all always becoming something. We can be purposeful about this, or just let it happen. We are becoming more faithful or less faithful. We are becoming loyal or disloyal. We are becoming angry or happy. We are becoming givers or greedy. We are becoming better or worse. We are becoming successful or we are becoming defeated. I asked Logan what he wanted to be when he grew up. He said, "A scientist." And I believe he can become that. So why do we stop believing that we can become something? God is becoming in us. So for the next three weeks I want to ready us for the journey into 2017. I've broken it into three distinct pieces. This week we start with, "My soul, why art thou downcast." David wrote this in Psalm 42. He was in a funk, down in this moment. Down times come. You had down times in 2016. My Dad told me when I was young to never make a decision