Vox Podcast With Mike Erre

311 - Understanding the Bible: Part Seven - Accommodation Continued



Understanding the Bible: Part Seven. Accommodation continued. Today, we continue the conversation on God’s accommodation to humans. Mike offers the spectrum of “the ideal vs. the real.” What does that mean? How does God navigate the ideal He set up with the reality of the human stumble? How does the text accommodate to the view points of the time in which it’s written? How does this effect and shape theology? How do we interact with that? How is the human mess worked in? What are we to do with all of this??? The complexity of the text is on display and it’s asking us to wrestle with it, to marinate in its mystery and wonder at God’s intentional back and forth with all of us. It’s beautiful in all of it’s chaos and intricacy. Afghanistan help: World Relief World Relief on Social Media to stay up to date: Instagram & Facebook World relief Locations As always, we encourage and would love discussion as we pursue. Always feel free to email in questions to hello@voxpodcast.com, and to engage the conversati