Vox Podcast With Mike Erre

305 - Understanding the Bible: Part One - with Dr. Timothy Gombis



Understanding the Bible: Part One. The Bible has, for many people, become a stumbling block and/or a source of great confusion and misunderstanding. Today we sit down with our good friend Tim Gombis to begin a conversation on how to best approach, read, understand and intentionally interpret the Bible. How does mystery play into it? Is mystery bad? How is the Bible organized? Can a newcomer read it without instruction? How does Gombis suggest reading the text? What are we to do with it??? As always, we encourage and would love discussion as we pursue. Always feel free to email in questions to hello@voxpodcast.com, and to engage the conversation on here and Instagram. Gombis’s podcast, ‘Faith Improvised,' can be heard HERE The book mentioned, "The Lost Letters of Pergamum," can be purchased HERE  Learn more about the VOXOLOGY Podcast Subscribe on iTunes or Spotify Support the VOX Podcast on Patreon Follow us on Instagram: @voxologypodcast Like us on Facebook Music in this episode by Timothy John Staf