Vox Podcast With Mike Erre

282 - Pearls, Pigs & Pushing Good Things on Others



Sermon on The Mount: Chapter 17 - “Pearls, Pigs & Pushing Good Things on Others.” Matthew 7:6. “Do not give dogs what is sacred…” Again(!), another section of the sermon that has been taught a lot, but is often missing the point or full context Jesus was bringing. The word of the day (week, year, lifetime) is discernment. So much of what is said here is dismantling the place of condemnation the Church has taken. What is Jesus saying when using the terms ‘dogs’ and ‘pigs?’ Is it derogatory? What is sacred? What are the pearls? How are we to interact with those that need intervention? How does this section fit into and correlate with the previous parts of the Sermon? This thread is long, but Jesus is dissecting and confronting so much of how we interact and love as humans. How are we supposed to live life together both in community and in the world? We have much to learn from this section. Jesus understands the complexities of the issue, as well as the depth and uniqueness of each person listening. We a