Vox Podcast With Mike Erre

277 - A Singular Devotion



Sermon on The Mount: Chapter 14 - “A Singular Devotion.” Matthew 6:19-24: “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy…” We’re picking back up the Sermon on the Mount in the new year! Today, we discuss the widely taught on but rarely enacted section or the sermon, dealing with money and possessions. While recognizing anger and lust seems easier and more well established, we tend to struggle a bit more in understanding the role our ‘treasures’ play in our Kingdom living. How does Jesus frame the conversation? What does He mean by “The eye is the lamp of the body?” What is the “mine-ness” of something? How does He structure parallel concepts to strengthen His illustrations and point? Is it a matter of selling all our possessions or is Jesus getting at something deeper? We also spend time discussing our anger and frustrations with Sean Feucht and the worship concerts he has continued to hold around the U.S. during the pandemic, what he and others consider a form of protest again