Vox Podcast With Mike Erre

268 -What Does it Really Mean to Vote Pro-Life? - with Skye Jethani



Tomorrow is Election day, 2020. It has been a long year of rhetoric and talking points, promises and accusations. Part of the Sermon on The Mount, part of what Jesus has been showing us, is to adopt the discipline of discernment. Today we have on friend and frequent guest of the show, Skye Jethani. Skye, who is a co host of the Holy Post podcast, recently released a video on Abortion. In the video, Skye presents the data and statistics from the last 40 years, as to what has and has not had effects on abortion rates. How has Roe v. Wade effected abortion numbers? Does a conservative President really lower those? What about the Supreme Court? What are we called to outside of voting every four years? The sensitivity of this issue is not lost on us and we hope this conversation can be encouraging and thoughtful, not divisive. The sensitivity of this issue is not lost on us and we hope this conversation can be encouraging and thoughtful, not divisive. You can see Skye’s video on abortion here: https://www.youtu