Vox Podcast With Mike Erre

235 - Wash Hands, Then Wash Feet



It is the thing everyone is talking about, the reason why we are all home, and the biggest shift in our global world that most of us have experienced. The Coronavirus has changed the way we navigate the world, is changing our economy, and is brining up questions about what God is doing in the midst of this and how as Jesus followers we can hold faithful witness. We hope you enjoy this special episode and join us for some of these upcoming live events and gatherings to help make quarantine more bearable and give us a space to wrestle together: Every Sunday Bonnie will be on Facebook and Instagram live to lead us in different spiritual direction practices. 8:30 am PST/10:30 am CST/ 11:30 am EST “What is God Doing?” Starting Wednesday April 1, Mike will be on Facebook and Instagram live at 9:00 am PST/11:00 am CST/12:00 pm EST to pastor us through some of the theological questions and rumbling during this pandemic. Zoom Hangout with the VOX Team to talk about the episodes of the past month and meet tog