Ashes Of The Imperium | A New 40k Podcast

Episode 71 - War Zone Octarius I - Tyranids vs Inquisition



Welcome to the Ashes of the Imperium! In this episode Dan and Steve talk all about the latest Flashpoint articles in White Dwarf! This time we explore War Zone Octarius and the goings-on in this segment of the galaxy... The team talk about what Crusade forces they'd create to match the on-going Octarius narrative, which will soon be followed by some Campaign Books. Steve creates a sneaky Ordo Xenos force on a Jurassic Park-esque hunt for Tyranid bioforms, whereas Dan takes to the skies to gather biomass of his own as a Tyranid army idea unfurls its wings. Which Tyranid model or unit would you most like to see updated? Or perhaps a new unit that hasn't been made in plastic before? Let us know on our social media channels, we'd love to hear from you! Element Games Affiliate Link To support the show, please consider shopping at Element Games via the AOTI40k Affiliate Link. We receive a small commission based on your purchases, which doesn't cost you an extra penny! Podcast Admin Please feel free to drop us a lin