The Whole Truth With Jill Rosensweig

Families Sue IVF Clinic After Horrible Embryo Mixup



In this episode, Attorney Rosensweig discusses two lawsuits that have been filed against CHA Fertility (an IVF clinic in Los Angeles) after a woman in New York gave birth to two babies who are not genetically hers.  The couple in NY is suing CHA and the genetic parents of one of the babies is suing as well, after learning 2 weeks after their child's birth that the NY woman carried their child to term.  How could the clinic implant 3 women (that we know of) with the wrong embryos and then allegedly try to cover it up?  Where are the actual embryos of these women? What does this mean in terms of other families out there who may have given birth to babies who are not genetically theirs?  Was it right for the Los Angeles couple to gain custody of the baby after the New York woman carried the baby to term?  All of this is discussed and more in this personally significant episode.