Crossing Borders With Nathan Lustig

Caterine Castillo, Neivor: Streamlining real estate administration in Latin America, Ep 153



Caterine Castillo, Neivor: Streamlining real estate administration in Latin America, Ep 153   In Latin America, a building manager typically has to handle thousands of apartment units and tenants. This means simultaneously dealing with building maintenance, reconciling payments, and meeting tenant and landlord requests. Currently, this is done manually with pen and paper, maybe an Excel spreadsheet or through WhatsApp which leads to inefficiencies and unhappy residents.    Caterine Castillo, Neivor’s co-founder and CEO, is trying to make living in Latin America’s apartment buildings and condos better. Neivor is a vertical SaaS platform that simplifies condo fee collections and streamlines management and communication between residents, property owners, and building managers. Neivor processes tens of millions of payments per month and help manage 3000+ apartment buildings in Mexico, Colombia, and Ecuador.   I sat down with Caterine to talk about the pain points of property management in Latin America and the d