Dear Daughters

Forgiveness and Grace after Betrayal | Brandy Barr | DD 161



This week I am sooooo excited to spotlight Brandy Barr’s incredible story on the Dear Daughters Podcast. She found the way to extend ongoing forgiveness and grace after her husband’s infidelity. I am honored for her to share her hard yet hopeful story with you. Brandy is a spiritual mama. Here are a few things you should know about Brandy: She was born and raised in Tyler, Texas, and moved to Austin in 1993 after she married her high school sweetheart. After 7 years of marriage, she discovered that her husband cheated on her. After counseling and another betrayal, they divorced. She is the mother of two boys, Taylor (21) and Jackson (16). . Then something happened that surprised even Brandy. God prompted Brandy to get to know the woman her husband remarried. Here are a few of the incredible things that followed: Brandy invited the woman and her daughter to church. Brandy baptized the daughter. The women asked Brandy for forgiveness … and she was able to extend grace. She accepted Christ and Brandy baptized