Power Up For Profits Podcast

194: How to Attract Your Perfect Clients on LinkedIn with Sabrina Lee



Virtually any type of business can benefit from knowing how to effectively use LinkedIn. Yet, most people don't know where to start.The "go-to" expert in the vegan space is, hands down, Sabrina Lee. She teaches her clients proven, fast results strategies that are easy to implement but make a world of difference. Sabrina worked in international development organizations for 15 years before deciding to start up her own charity communications, research and fundraising consultancy. When referrals and previous client leads began to dry up she turned her attention to LinkedIn to connect with her ideal clients. Not only did this work, she also really enjoyed the process! Her transition to Veganism in 2017 was revolutionary and she looked at how she can transfer her skills to support vegan and ethical businesses. Through setting up the Vegan Business Exchange in the UK, she came to understand that vegan businesses were also struggling to get consistent high quality leads for their businesses and that LinkedIn could h