Power Up For Profits Podcast

190: The Lifeblood of Any Vegan Business...Finding Customers & Clients with David Pannell



Should your business be on Facebook or Instagram?  Should you be doing Google Pay Per Click or sending out press releases?  Should you launch a YouTube channel or start a podcast? Founder of Vegan Business Tribe David Pannell explains why it shouldn't be YOU making all these decisions - it should be your customers.  The problem is, however, that most vegan businesses know surprisingly little about the people who buy from them.  Even worse, they make huge assumptions about who their customers are and what marketing will connect with them just because they are selling a vegan product or service. It's time for you to come out from behind your computer keyboard and actually engage with your customers and make them your best friends, so that you can learn how to find more people just like them. David Pannell is the co-founder of Vegan Business Tribe, a community of over one thousand vegan businesses worldwide.  David and his partner Lisa Fox also run vegan consultancy agency, Promote Vegan, which has advised some