Solar Energy Show

Practical Global Warming Solutions



Copyright 2021 - The Energy Show, Barry Cinnamon So… regarding global warming, are we doomed? Or are there practical decarbonization paths to limit the impact of global warming? I am an optimist (otherwise I would not have been in the solar business for over 40 years). There is a clear path to limiting global temperature increases to 2 degrees celsius by 2100. However, the necessary actions to achieve this goal creates “winners and loser,” resulting in political risks — regardless of the underlying social and economic needs. To be clear, the winners will be various clean energy technologies, including wind, solar, EVs, building electrification and energy storage. The “losers" will be the incumbent fossil fuel industry, as well as their downstream customers. Unfortunately, the incumbent losers have much more lobbying money than the upstart clean energy winners. Fortunately, except for industrial process heat, electricity generated from clean energy sources is cheaper than fossil fuel power generation. But