Jen Lowry Writes

Special Author Interview with Luke Seibert, Author of Never Saw it Coming: A Memoir



When he was nineteen, Luke Seibert thought he had his whole life planned  out. He was a Christian and a carpenter, and everything seemed to be  falling into place. That all changed in an instant. When a car wreck  leaves him permanently blind, he has a choice to make. He can let  bitterness and depression consume him or he can trust the Lord that He  really does have a plan in everything.  What people are saying:  “What if the vision of your life completely went away? What would you  do? Would you fold and give up, or would you search for inspiration from  a greater source. Luke's book shows us the value of fighting through  the hardship and knowing the Lord is always on our side. I have released  the reigns of my path in life and handed them to Christ and life has  become so much easier. Thanks Luke!”  Eliazil Marin  “Suppose you’ve experienced a life shattering event or simply need  encouragement to make it through the day. In that c