Love & Light Live Crystal Healing Podcast

Healing Properties of Turritella Agate: A Crystal for Inner Guidance



Turritella Agate is one of the most strangely named stones I know of. Most Agates are made of flowing bands of translucent or transparent, cryptocrystalline Quartz. We can see this clearly in stones like Blue Lace Agate or Lace Agate, however Turritella Agate doesn't show any of the banding patterns of other, more traditional, Agates. Because it lacks these distinctive bands, it might be better classified as a Chalcedony, but the name Turritella Agate has really stuck. Even more interesting (and MUCH more incorrect), is the fact that these stones don't contain Turritella fossils at all! The name "Turritella" Agate is actually an incorrect name that was given to this material decades ago. In fact, the species studded inside most of this material is actually Elimia tenera, not a Turritella species. A Crystal Message about the Healing Properties of Turritella Agate: "I spiral into the center of myself and listen to my inner guidance." Common Healing Properties of Turritella Agate: Boosts your creativit