Dom Dumais

John Schachnovsky of the Sport Corner – Titanium – DD46



Dom has John "Silky Mitts" Schachnovsky for Sport Corner - Titanium on the show this week. They talk about where John's from, and his journey through the world and eventually ending up here in Bangkok, Thailand. They also talk about his time in the Thai World Hockey League (TWHL) all the way through to it's demise, and what prompted him and the other members of the Siam Hockey League (SHL) committee to start of the SHL, and his time in the Bangkok Ice Hockey League (BIHL). Lastly, they started talking a little bit about the behind the scenes of the SHL. At least until they lost power in the studio due to a transformer blowing, and ending the podcast. John wants to be on the show again, so we can finish the discussion we were having and also, to talk about other things, so stay tuned for that.