Sunwest Fc's Weekly Sermon Podcast

2015-10-18 New Seasons, Clive Pick



This Sunday morning, at both campuses of SunWest, marks the start of a 3-day series, part of the "New Season" mini-conference, showing how to move into preparation for what God is doing these days and what He is about to do. Finances are a significant key since the Scripture mentions money over 2000 times. Jesus taught that the placement of our money shows where our hearts are! Revelation of what God is doing in this New Season comes through Biblical understanding and activating the teaching on the Abrahamic Covenant of Blessings. It is also reflected in Malachi 3:1-12 - activating the promise of supernatural provision. This message will be life-changing as we learn how to actualize the fulness of His promises and activate what is coming for this "New Season".