Pastor Jason Anderson - Audio

Become (Part 2)



Today I want to talk to you about who you have become. We wonder, well, what will I become in 2017? Maybe I will just become the same, or maybe I will become a parent, married, or single. Maybe I will become a graduate, or maybe I will become a student. Maybe I will become more loyal, more forgiving, more successful, more skillful. Athletes are becoming faster, stronger; entrepreneurs are becoming more innovative, singers honing their craft to fine precision. We identify what I want out of this year, or this life, then we become what is necessary to get there. But there is a deeper more important "become" I want to talk with you about today. It is the hidden unseen "become" that you are that will change how you traverse the bridges on your way, and will give you the invisible power of God to walk into things you would have formerly abandoned. 2 Corinthians 5:17 (NKJV) says, "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; o