Book Choice

Book Choice Teen Podcast 2: 'Diamond Boy' by Michael Williams



The second Book Choice Teen podcast took place at Herzlia High School on 13 October 2021. Grade 8 and 9 learners from Gardens Commercial and Herzlia in Cape Town met to discuss the novel 'Diamond Boy' by Michael Williams, this was facilitated by headmaster Marc Falconer. Thanks to everyone involved: Herzlia’s engineer David Watkyns and FMR’s sound engineer Ewan Inglis for post-production. The learners are Benjamin Lazarus, Cassidy Wilson, Leah Rodenacker, Mira Gibson, Shakira Maart, Taylar Pinn and Wangisani Mpotalinga. We are grateful that the author, Michael Williams, joined us for the discussion via Zoom. Thank you to Oxford University Press for sponsoring the books.