The Chaarg Podcast

#78] Lauren, The Modern Astrologer: Human Design, Energy, + Elisabeth's Reading



Lauren [@themodernastrologer] is back on the podcast... this time, talking about Human Design! If you've never heard of Human Design before, it's essential a "guide" that provides direction + action steps on how to work best with you unique energy. In this episode, Lauren walks through the different types, strategies, + authorities of Human Design, + also gives Elisabeth a Human Design reading! If you're curious to explore Human Design more, book a reading with Lauren -- she does in person + virtual readings! : )Notes:-- Book A Reading With Lauren: Learn Your Human Design: Instagram To Follow For Human Design: @Jennazoe-- Book Recs: Human Design: Discover The Person You Were Born To Be, The Life-Changing Magic Of Tidying Up-- Astrology Website: Astrology Apps: The Pattern, Co-Star