Moment Of Clarity With Rev. Lorrie Daly-price

Seeing in the World



What would you do if you couldn’t fail? What mission would  you attempt or what venture would you risk? All great  questions, because they get us thinking, stretch our vision  and stir our imagination. But as great as they are, maybe  they are not the right questions to ask because we know  there will be failure. There just will.    In light of those questions we turn to our reading this  morning from Mark’s gospel. The question here to ask is,  what would you be willing to try if the attempt itself was  worth it regardless of whether or not we succeeded. This  seems to be a big part of what the reading is about. Would  you, like Bartimaeus in today’s reading shout out for healing even though the people around you try to shush you into  silence? Could it be that Bartimaeus was so used to failure and disappointment that he saw no reason not to at least try one more time? Or perhaps faithfulness itself is defined by trusting God enough to dare impossible deeds?