Purple Patch Podcast

27 Laura Siddall - The Fear of Winning



Excellence doesn’t often come without fear and doubt. Today, Matt dives into the internal struggle, the journey of achieving wonderful results, but focusing in on areas that few are honestly willing to discuss. Laura Siddall is a professional triathlete showing the greatest vulnerability in her expressing fears, confidence, and challenges she has faced and managed on her path to world-class performance. There is a perception that pros don’t face the same obstacles, anxieties, and struggles as age group athletes. Matt and Laura talk openly about the truth. Yes, she does have fears and she shares the internal and external pressures that she faces daily as a world-class performer. One of the many key takeaways from this discussion is understanding that fears and doubts never go away regardless of what level you perform. Your goal as an athlete or high performer is to implement tools and habits to manage those anxieties. Laura has successfully done this and has landed on the podium in 27 of her last 30 races.   I