Purple Patch Podcast

11 Nail Your Nutrition and Fueling - A Key Pillar of Performance



Underneath the Purple Patch Pillar of Nutrition, there are two main components: Fueling - This encompasses the calories you consume during a workout and immediately following Nutrition - This includes your daily eating habits outside of training including breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks. In this episode packed with meaningful and easy-to-implement guidelines, Matt goes into depth on both fueling and nutrition with a case study of a real-life Purple Patch athlete, Mike. Mike is like most age group athletes. He’s a busy executive, but dedicated to his training and achieving high-performance in both work and training. He joined Purple Patch to “get to the next level.” He trains most mornings and is highly motivated to reach his training goals. The biggest problem? Mike doesn’t fuel properly. Matt starts the episode with a discussion on FUELING, the biggest contributor to your success. He answers: Why is fueling during and post-workout so important? What functions does proper fueling serve to my overall p