Forestview Church Without Walls

Whose Church is This? | pt. 2 - Doug Loveday - October 14th 2018



Whose Church Is This? At its best, the church is beautiful: the hands and feet of Jesus in the world, filled with the Spirit, devoted to one another, a sign, symbol and foretaste of new life with God - the life we were meant to live. A church with Christ at the centre has His love, His truth and His way as the core reality in both teaching and practice. Such a church is a safe place to hear the Gospel and to grow like Him so that the world too can "see Jesus". And when we fall short of that, it's time for a realignment. In his series "Whose Church is This?" Doug Loveday will be helping us look at Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith. In His full deity, Christ alone is able to lead us forward into a fruitful and hopeful future. In His full humanity, He understands all the human complications that we deal with as members together of the body. And so, Jesus, our Head, urges us to do the hard work, the humbling work of making every effort to guard the unity of the Holy Spirit in the bo