Forestview Church Without Walls

In Light of God's Mercies | pt. 3 - Paul Millar - September 23 2018



Fish don't see water. And humans hardly notice air. Being fully aware of our environment is actually really hard. But whether we notice it or not, our environment shapes how we think and move and act. The Apostle Paul, in his letter to the Romans, urges the church to become aware of our environment. He wants us to be aware of the stories all around us -- stories that are forming and shaping us often without us even noticing. But he also wants us to be aware of another even more powerful story: the astounding mercy of God. And in light of those mercies Paul calls us to live as an alternative community, uniquely different from the stories that dominate this world. He calls us to become a transformed community: living humbly in response to our God-given gifts, shaped by the Spirit, and serving as one worshipping body in Christ. It's quite the call! Throughout the month of September, we will immerse ourselves in the message of Romans 12 and consider the counter-cultural life that God calls His church into - tha