Peak Performers | Tools, Strategies & Psychology To Get Things Done

Q&A - How Do You Determine What to Say Yes to? | Episode #42



We answer your questions - Determining what to say yes to will greatly affect the quality of your life.  Learn to say NO!     Episode_42_QA_June_19_2016 Thor:    The question of the day is… FS:    This question of the day comes in from Diane from Ann Arbor, and Diane writes she’s heard you talk about taking your commitments very seriously and only saying yes to things once you’ve given it some real thought. She’s having trouble deciding how to know what to say yes to, what to say no to, and just in general how to go about the decision making process. Thor:    Great question. This comes up a lot with my clients, and I’ll tell you this. What a lot of people do is they follow the crowd or what other people are doing. A lot of times, that’s not the action you want to take or the direction that you want to take.     Here’s how I do it and here’s how most peak performers do it. First is we have an inner standard – an inner compass. We have a guideline in which we make decisions. I’ll give you a great example.