Peak Performers | Tools, Strategies & Psychology To Get Things Done

How Can 60 Seconds Change My Life? | Part 1 | Stephen Christopher | Episode #40



Interesting facts: I started my first business when I was 14 – a mobile car detailing business, but since I wasn’t old enough to drive, I had to convince people to drive their cars to my house I used to hate spicy food, now I cant find hot enough food at restaurants When I was a kid, my favorite presents to get were power tools I used to take 3-4 remote control cars and other broken power tools and make them into new things – ex… I built a remote control boat out of 3 remote control cars, I built an automatic door opener for my bedroom out of an old power drill motor and a remote control car controler   Projects: Main focus right now is massively scaling the digital marketing company over the next 3 years Im also growing my podcast – business revolution so that I can use the knowledge that I learned over the last 15 years to help other business owners shortcut and learn from my mistakes and wins BIO Stephen Christopher is the founder of Seequs Digital Marketing, a web marketing firm designed to help busin