Healthy Families Made Easy With Dr. Jason Jones

Lowering Stress for Optimum Health Part 1: What is the Vagus Nerve, why you should care and what it controls



Lowering Stress for Optimum Health Part 1: What is the Vagus nerve, why should I care, and what it controls? Dr. Jason Jones Elizabeth City NC, Chiropractor Have you ever heard about the vagus nerve? You probably haven’t. Well, it’s no surprise to know because scientists have researched many functions of this nerve, and they are still yet to know all. Well, in this article, we shall keep it simple and tell you about this special cranial nerve. Continue reading! The body has 12 cranial nerves, which come in pairs and help to link the brain to different parts of the body, such as your head, torso, and neck. Some of these cranial nerves help to send sensory information, including details about sight, smells, sounds, and tastes to the brain- This is called the sensory function. Other cranial nerves control the function of certain nerves and various muscles, and this is called motor function. However, some nerves perform both sensory and motor functions, and a good example is the vagus nerve, which is also called