Ceb Talent Angle With Scott Engler

SPOTLIGHT: Create a Compelling Data Story with Nancy Duarte



*This episode is an excerpt taken from our 2020 interview. On this episode of the Talent Angle podcast, executive Nancy Duarte shares insights from her new book DataStory: Explain Data and Inspire Action through Story. Duarte emphasizes the importance of empathy when presenting data, offers compelling structures for storytelling and outlines strategies to craft data-driven recommendations. Nancy Duarte is a communication expert who has been featured in several media outlets and is also a Harvard Business Review contributor. As a persuasion expert, she specializes in incorporating story patterns into business communications, and her firm, Duarte, Inc., is a leader behind some of the most influential visual messages in business and culture. She's written five bestselling books—four of which have won awards. She's also spoken at numerous conferences and her TEDx talk has garnered over two million views. She regularly speaks at business schools and is a lecturer at Stanford University.