Sports Psychology Podcast By

How to Respond to Poor Performances in Competition



In this week's sports psychology podcast, mental game of sports expert, Dr. Patrick Cohn, answers mental game questions in Sessions With Doc. Does a poor performance really rock your world and you tend to lose confidence and wonder what's going on? Today I'm answering a questions from someone who had left a question on our blog at Here's what Rick had to say: "I'm in need of some help... I just had one of the worst football games of my entire football career and it is breaking me down slowly. I need to know how to get over this and move on." COHN: Rick, good question. It is really really important for athletes to respond to losses, to respond to poor performances in the right way. A lot of times athletes with fragile confidence will tend to implode after a poor performance. COHN: What is a poor performance? You can ask yourself that question... Often it is when you perform below your standards or below your expectations, feeling like you made too many mistakes or you did