Sports Psychology Podcast By

How to Mentally Focus In Games



In this week's sports psychology podcast, mental game of sports expert Dr. Patrick Cohn talks with Dr. Megan Melchiorre. Dr. Megan is new at Peak Performance Sports. She is the lead mental coach specializing in working with youth and high school athletes in various sports. In this podcast, they will answer the question of the week... "How do you teach players to mentally focus throughout an entire game?" COHN: Dr. Megan, obviously focus is super important for any athlete and certainly volleyball players.  COHN: What are the challenges you find that players tend to struggle with or what gets in the way of focus when playing? MEGAN: In a volleyball match, players can be distracted by a number of things especially playing a tournament in club... There are over 100 courts in 1 area, so many whistles, balls, fans... it gets pretty chaotic in there. MEGAN: Those are external distractions but there is another category of internal distractions, such as negative thinking... MEGAN: What do you think are the top distrac