Sports Psychology Podcast By

Overcoming Doubt in Triathlons



  In this week's sports psychology podcast, mental game of sports expert Dr. Patrick Cohn interviews Andre Bekker, a professional cyclist and previously ranked #1 in the age category 50+ for the 70.3 Triathlon long distance. Another big challenge we find with triathletes is that once they start the run and are already 5, 6, 7 hours into an Ironman, they really start to have doubts about what they are doing... They start questioning why they are doing this and why are they putting themselves through this pain... How do racers push through that doubt and questioning why they are doing this after hours of racing? BEKKER: "That's a good question having been there myself..." After you've been racing for 6 or so hours and still have about 3 hours left, you start asking questions... You start doubting your training... You start doubting your nutrition... There are questions that run through your mind such as, "What am I thinking? What am I doing? Isn't it better to just go home?" This is where mental toughness comes