Gmb Fitness Show - Physical Autonomy

Developing Flow in Movement



If you've ever been inspired after seeing someone move with absolutely mastery, this is for you.A lot of people talk about "flow" in movement, but there's a lot of mysticism and confusion over what it actually is - where does it come from and what does it indicate? Is flow:a mental statean attribute of movementsomething that happens after you attain perfect enlightenmentWe've got you covered here, because it's actually a couple of different things - the good news is we can narrow this down and make it a lot simpler to understand and practice for. And that's what the second half of the show is about: exactly how to go about developing your own flow. The good news is you can start today. You don't need to be an advanced athlete or even have a ton of training experience. All you need is a handful of movements or positions you're good at. Lucky for you, sitting and lying down count :)Stick it in your earhole!Episode transcript and additional notesSupport the show (http